Constantine Wiki
God is a divine entity, supreme being and ancient creator of all the existence, ruler of Afterlife, Angels, the Universe, the Earth and their inhabitants. For an unknown reason, he is in a proxy war with Lucifer for the souls of Earth.

Power and Abilities[]

As the Almighty, creator of all existence to the point of creating time itself and living outside of it, amortal and eternal, God has all powers and abilities in accordance with his will, he is omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent, he could easily kill Lucifer and all demons, but he choses to limit Himself to remain benevolent and the embodiment of peace.


  • Abrahamic Deity Physiology
    • Monotheistic Deity Physiology
      • True Omnipotence: God has infinite and unlimited power. As a supreme being, he exists beyond space and time. His power is unlimited, incalculable and immeasurable, surpassing any existing entity. God was responsible for creating the multiverse where there are universes also containing an infinite number of dimensions that contain far beyond billions of individuals. No being can reach his level of power and killing him is absolutely impossible, making him completely invulnerable in any way that tries to destroy his physical or spiritual form. Many entities are nervous in the presence of God, because they are terrified of provoking His wrath. He can easily deny the powers of the entities below his power. He is much more powerful than His Pre-existential siblings with the exception of Khaos and Azathoth. His powers is far demonstrate where he can carry and lift in His hand (or both His hands) a countless marbles/bubbles, containing various universes and timelines, that possesses countless trillions (or maybe even more) of lives in it (living, non-living, matter, and even non-matter).
        • Balance Omnipotence: It is an expression form of God's all-powerful omnipotence in a stable existence. By this He reign as a supreme being and have absolute, unquestionable reign over everything and exist usually as the strongest and most powerful being in all existence as the One God. His power can range from cosmic objects made to keep the balance of creation and support that support God's omnipotence and supremacy, over other cosmic beings whose very existence keeps the supreme being in power, or the condition of all of creation itself could be what God depends on to be in total control. He is the responsible for the very balance in all of existence as if it not should ever be disrupted. With this power He can kept all things under balance, as opposed to just order.
        • Metapotence: Being an omnipotent entity He has the power to do absolutely anything and everything. He possess unfathomable power far beyond any reason, logic and understanding that only His siblings could comprehend. He can do whatever He want, whenever He want, however He want, allowing Him to achieve anything and everything without any limit, no matter how impossible or contradictory, completely overriding all other forces and abilities like they didn't exist at all. Despite this however He rarely exhibited this, as He only demonstrated this during the Creation and war of the universe, the War in Heaven, and the great flood. As He rarely intervenes with the affairs of the mortals and the universe, only doing this whenever necessary. His powers are so great that He is seen use this when he cast the "Ten Great Plagues of Egypt", which greatly weakened the empire's powers, authority, and rulership, while also single handedly hinders the Egyptian gods for intervening to free His people and punishing the Egyptians, as punishment for making the Israelites in a long time slavery. A feat that no other existing entities could barely do.
          • Complete Arsenal: Being the supreme being of the Multiverse, God posseses every imaginable, unimaginable, possible, impossible, existent, non-existent, known, unknown, thinkable, unthinkable, created, uncreated, discovered, undiscovered, fictional, nonfictional, perceived, unperceived, etc. power/ability ever, regardless of any flaws or limitations, He harbors them all. This enables Him to expand on/affect anything from the simplest concepts and phenomena to the Totality and the Megaverse. This ability has the quirk to rely a lot on God's capabilities or origins to determine where He stand on the reach of His power. He can create, shape, and projects more and even unknown things and abilities that only He could determine.
        • Ultipotence: Although not known, God has a power of “having unlimited power and potential” or "the quality of having unlimited or very great power". He truly possesses an ultimate/endless power and potential dwarfing everyone else in their setting. Allowing Him to potentially achieve anything and everything without any limit depending on how much knowledge and control He has used. He has a very effective use of ultipotence as He has both an immeasurable state of knowledge and imagination: knowledge to offer templates for applications, and imagination to shape new possibilities. Adding to being an all-knowing entity, He could acquire tremendous amounts of new knowledge as He need, gradually expanding His options and refining His mastery through practice and experience, Furthering His control and precision over their endless power and access to new abilities more powerful than before, and even opening new worlds of possibilities.
          • Absolute Transcendence: Being the supreme entity of the entirety of the Multiverse, He transcends absolutely anything and everything. This includes all dimensions, life/death, beginning/ending, concepts/ideas/principles, creation/destruction, boundaries, context, potential, possibilities/variables, levels of reality, existence/nonexistence, perfection/levels of perfection, embodiments, their personal status, being/non-being and even the Totality etc. It may be impossible to categorize or find an exact description for Him in any way as He exist completely above and beyond all classification and definition. He is unbound and are free to defy absolutely all things; even logic itself. Usually, He is considered a being with limitless, eternal, timeless existences with no beginning nor end and are beyond the notion of personality and individuality. He cannot be grasped or understood as a concept at the core, and only His siblings and children could do so. He is also distinguished from the totality of all existence as their very being completely out-classes it. Thus, God holds truly unfathomable power greatly exceeding that which exists within the framework of their world.
        • Creation and Destruction Embodiment: God is the being who brought the birth of existence and nonexistence, reality and even wholeness, and holds extreme authority over the Genesis and Extinction, the beginning and the end. He was the creator of infinite realities, universes, the cosmos, the multiverse, and all that occupies it, including residents, environments and places. God can create basically anything He chooses on an unlimited to absolute scale as the one true Supreme Being. He created the angels, the mortal beings of the Earth, the Earth itself, Heaven and many others. God not only has the power to create but also to destroy, being He also holds the embodiment of Extinction. He can erase everything that ever existence, even to the point where no one would have recollection of a person, object, or location ever existing because it never did exist. According to the Trimurti deities (Brahma, Vishnu, & Shiva), being the original Creator, His powers over it, is much more superior, precise and potent enough on a unimaginable and multiversal scale to the point that they considered it much more superior than any creator deities and destroyer deities dreamed of, and that Brahma, Vishnu, and even Shiva consider their powers (as the creator, preserver, & destroyer gods) as nothing but a mere microscopic fragments, compared to the original Creator. Being the Primordial Embodiment of Genesis and Extinction, being the complete opposite of Khaos and Ophis, who embodies Nothingness and Infinity respectively. Their concepts directly oppose and contrast each other as Genesis brings ordered duality to the disordered unity of Chaos while Extinction signifies an End whereas Infinity does not denote such a concept. As such, God is granted virtually unlimited creative and destructive powers, however, he refuses the use his destructive powers for reasons that only he and his siblings know about and later on, his friends.
          • Life Creation: Being the one that start the birth of the first life in the creation, God is able to create living beings or matter using several different ways (along with His sister Life), these beings can either be completely unique/original, modified/evolved versions of already existing ones or simply normal beings without any major modifications. He is known for creating almost (if not) all life in existence (with the exception of the Outer Gods and Yaldabaoth).
          • Apocalyptic Force Manipulation: In the end of times God is able to control the final force, the one that causes all of existence to end. The apocalyptic force does not mean He need to necessarily destroy, just end a universal cycle making it the representation of end or omega. He can truly tamper with the end power of existence and terminate any universal cycle, creating absolute chaos. In the final judgement He will summon the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, bring an end to all things, judge and punish all who commits sin and evil things, the final conflict will happen, imprison and defeats the Devil and his armies, and create a new world (universe) and heaven free from the bondages of sin, evil, pain, grief, etc.
          • Absolute Restoration: God can restore literally anything/everything back to its natural/original state with absolutely no flaws or mistakes in the process, regardless how badly destroyed the target is. He can undo powers that can be otherwise apocalyptic, reverse altered effects, restore destroyed souls, resurrect, and heal any type of damage be it mental, emotional, spiritual, physical.
          • Primordial Force Manipulation
        • Unity Force: Being one with all, God is entirely everything, everywhere, every-when, and every-how, without any exception whatsoever. This grants Him unlimited power, knowledge, and control, for the very concept of limits are now irrelevant as they are one with all things. He still retains part of His individuality and may choose to experience His new existence through His avatars, mortal incarnations (like Christ), or as a global cosmic force. On another lens, this makes Him an embodiment of everything in the Megaverse and beyond, essentially an embodiment of absolutely anything/everything.
        • Absolute Force Manipulation: He possess supernatural forces to create, manipulate and shape force in all its forms, whether physical, transcendent, natural, spiritual, mental, cosmic, etc. i.e. all the absolute forces that make up the flow and nature of reality. He can turn a tornado into a gentle breeze, bring a raging tsunami to a halt (like His Son Jesus Christ did) or annihilate a continent simply by slamming ones palm into the earth, provided Him to understands the natural forces required for continental destruction. He can bring all supernatural powers and activity in the area to a complete standstill by denying them all the force they rely upon to function.
        • Divine & Angelic Forces Manipulation: He has supreme control of anything that is symbolized as divine and holy connections to divine and sacred forces. He is able to manipulate sacred objects and relics that are connected to the Holy System of Heaven, angels, or divine powers. With this, He is completely considered worthy of spiritual respect, allowing Him to achieve feats that are impossible to be reached by mere mortals or even the gods themselves. He also possesses limitless divine powers, and is able to use strong angelic power. This ability not only grants Him great strength, abilities, and control over numerous variations of holy energies, but also allows Him to overwhelm and possess complete authority & domination to all of angels (even fallen) as well as rival other pre-existential entities. He past this unto His Son Jesus Christ during His time on Earth.
          • Light Embodiment: Being the source of all (primordial transcendent) light and life, He is the original living representation or personification of light along with its concepts of purity and immaculate nature. He is able to use all of the light's powers whether holy, divine or supernatural in a different level. He can convert this light power into an energy and use it as a full source to extend their powers or create something that becomes a weapon. As long as there is light, His power will become more powerful progressively. Due to being the original source of light itself, His light is considered primordial and transcendent, more superior and powerful than any other light deities and primordial entities.
          • Ohr Ein Sof: (אור אין סוף; Literally Meaning Infinite Light) A power uniquely belonging to God and passed onto Lucifer, and later to His Son: Jesus Christ, and His trusted general, Michael in the form of the power, Shevirat Ha-Kelim. Not much is known about the Ohr Ein Sof other than the fact that unlimited creation is one of the powers attributed to it. It also displays the ability to control the Primordial Light as well as the concept of Meta Miracles. It said that this is God's true power.
          • Impurity Destruction: Being an all-powerful entity, He can attack in ways that harm exclusively malevolent/evil entity, the amount of damage that the target sustains may be reflected of their impurity of their soul (such examples like: Azathoth, Ayin, Darkness, and later on Lucifer/Satan). The attack can be powerful enough to kill a malevolent immortal, have the ability to banish a living malevolent entity to hell after killing them or destroy the spirit along with the body. If He empowered it by divine or magic properties, this ability can also purify any foreign traces of malice that's attached to a benevolent being.
          • Divine Omni-Psionics: Being a divine and supreme being, He possesses divine powers which grants Him immense amounts of psychic power, tapping into absolute, divine psionic might, achieving an unimaginable power, capabilities, and precision beyond mundane by an outstanding margin. God can gain these divine psionic's by family background (being He is among the Pre-existential Beings that predated the creation), by faith, or to His Godhood. He can achieve extremely higher levels of power to the point of being on an Omnipotent levels. He possesses such divine powers to the point of having an almighty mind, omniscience, psionic derivation, psionic Godhood, supreme observation and transcendent consciousness.
            • Absolute Divine Telekinesis: Although rarely seen, God has the power to manipulate/levitate matter, non-matter, energy, or even living things/beings. His mastery of it so great that even Azathoth comment's his respect His usage in it. His absolute mastery over telekinesis is soo great to the point that He can bind or immobilize even a Cosmic Entity, Azathoth even once warn Nyarlathotep that if he (Nyarlathotep) were to challenge God and the Heavens recklessly, He will only just swat him like an ordinary fly, further showing his absolute mastery of it.
          • Benefic Force Manipulation: God have absolute control over force of good energy to His desire. He can manipulate the forces of good energy from a dimension, object or another beings. Being the supreme being of positivity and righteousness, His ability is far more superior than any existing sky or celestial deities.
          • Divine Psionics
          • Divine Empowerment
          • Divine Object Manipulation
          • Divine Presence
          • Angelic Source
          • Divine Assistance
        • Trinity Force (Trilogy): Being the True Monotheistic God and the supreme being of the Universe/Multiverse, He holds great authority and power over the Holy Trinity (along with Jesus Christ & the Holy Spirit), a triad force consisting of the true omnipotence, omniscience, and omnipresence, that binds and unites them under one singularity and existence as "One True God". With that He holds access of infinite powers over all divine powers such as transcendence, lordship, divinity, absolute force, transcendent force, primordial force, universal force, and even the apocalyptic force respectively.
          • Supreme Divinity: God possesses supreme divinity and all/almost all divine powers granting them an extremely immense amounts of supreme power beyond the mundane, making Him the highest divine being by nature, a status can surpass many of forms of divinities in the existence making the Him a supremely powerful divine entity (rivalling or perhaps superior than Khaos or Azathoth themselves) who are practically omnipotent forever above all other divine beings in their respective universes and beyond. His level and form of divinity is slightly variable and very unique by God's nature and character of being, thus is the strongest divinities and is ultimately reliant on God alone, having all the divine powers in the known existence that could only be wielded by the strongest of divine and holiest of entities in the universe. His kind of divinity can never be lost or found for the another supremacy of such divinity is forever bound. He possess this great power and He is considered as the true supreme deity, creator, celestial deity, and more fearsome than destroyer deities, a true monotheistic deity, higher than transcendent spirits, cosmic entities, and even the primordials. His supreme level divinity is the purest form of divinity neither light or dark but rather is in perfect balance with both forever in limitless harmony with each other forever transcending duality and maintain a cosmic balance within the Holy Trinity.
          • Soul Manipulation
            • Absolute Soul Manipulation: Being the supreme being and creator of the universe, God is able to manipulate the souls, spirits and ghosts of all aspects, of all places, realities, dimensions/realms, times, universes, etc., in an absolute effect, regardless of their location such as those in a higher dimension/plane, heaven, hell, or a metaphysical/conceptual one (i.e., a dream/dream world, an illustration, a complete void, in-between or outside fantasy and reality, an illogical/paradoxical world), He is able to create, shape and manipulate any and all forms of soul forces at an absolute level, gaining unimaginable power and great abilities involving all the forces of souls in the multiverse and everything connected to them. He, along with Life and Death, are the only three pre-existential entities that are given the authority and control over all souls and spirits in all of multiverse, in an absolute degree.
            • Soul Control - As the creator of souls, God had a certain level of control over them.
              • Soul Absorption
            • Beforelife Manipulation
            • Soul Creation
          • Aetherkinesis: God can create, shape and manipulate Aether, a powerful and unique celestial element said to flow throughout the universe. Commonly recognized as the essence breathed by gods in the same way humans breathe air, Aether is a power that allows control over elemental, cosmic, spiritual, and transcendental forces. Regarded as divine power, He can control Aether beyond god-like, essentially becoming invincible.
          • Cosmokinesis: God has the power to create, shape, absorb and manipulate cosmic forces or energies to produce nearly any effect He desire. Including the manipulation of matter and energy across space and time, manipulation of space time continuum, altering the fabric of reality, the creation of force fields, the creation of inter-dimensional portals and vortices, psionics, energy projection and cosmic awareness. He can summon or manipulate comets, meteors, asteroids, moons, planets, stars, nebula, neutron stars, quasars, black holes, white holes, galaxies, anti matter and dark matter. He can also generate stellar winds, solar flares, cosmic storms, and invoke meteor showers. He can also empower themselves and others by harnessing the power of cosmos. This power can also be use for combat purpose, where He is seen use it during the War of Creation.
            • Universal & Multiversal Forces Manipulation: Being the creator of the universe, He can manipulate all universal forces (Cosmic, Space-Time, etc.) and bend them to their will. The power to control cosmic energy, manipulate space-time, generate and control electromagnetism, gravity, cosmic fire, etc. is in His hands. He can also create, shape and manipulate all manners of multiversal forces: quantum energy, dimensional boundaries, quasi-mystical forces and elements, all the way to existential planes, etc.
            • Totality Manipulation: Being the Creator of the Multiverse, God can manipulate the totality, the concept describing the absolute entirety of everything. The totality is the biggest and largest thing that will ever exist, leaving no "beyond" or "after", since if there was, then it wasn't even totality in the first place. Ultimately, the totality contains everything infinitely and absolutely, all imaginable, unimaginable, possible, impossible, existent, non-existent, known, unknown, thinkable, unthinkable, created, uncreated, discovered, undiscovered, fictional, nonfictional, perceived, unperceived, etc. timelines, events, universes, multiverses, realities, dimensions, concepts, principles, axioms, existences, beings, entities etc., in short, containing absolutely every thing. This grants God truly infinite and absolute power, and a part of His omnipotence.
            • Universal Derivation
          • Transcendent Force Manipulation: Being a pre-existential being, He has the power to possess and/or can to utilize unbelievable power than beyond that of worldly comprehension. This ability not only grants Him great strength and control over numerous variations of godlike abilities, but also allows Him to fight on par with, or possibly overwhelm other beings of transcendent power (being more omnipotent than them). He can also wield forces be they of life, death, the mind, the spirit, divine, angelic, positive, benevolence, foreign, cosmological, universal, multiversal, absolute, primordial, apocalyptic, etc., and control them with absolute power.
          • Meaningfulness Embodiment: Being a divine entity He is the living embodiment of meaningfulness and purpose, and gain the ability feed off of the importance of everything in existence. What He sees is deemed everything worth while, or of absolute significance: opponent if deemed strong or worthy can be destroyed by God. He past on and blessed this to His Son Jesus Christ to spread His love and words to save humanity.
          • Omnificence: God's specialty lied in Creation. God can create absolutely everything/anything without limits, including concepts, existence, reality, and even the totality itself. He can also create from nothing or even to create one thing from another e.g. manifesting an image from a comic book, creating life from the dead, and duplicating anything. God can create basically anything He desires on an unlimited scale. He was responsible for the creation of Shamayim (Abrahamic Heaven) and later on, Hell. He also created the entirety of the Angels and Fallen Angels races as well as the Garden of Eden. God has been also mentioned to be the original creator of mankind. Also being the mastermind of starting the creation of all things, He is the one that give birth to the first and original Universe, which spawn and give birth to other universes which created the very Multiverse as we know it, and each of the existing universes hurl across the original and virgin universe, runs in a similar, and yet different way as the original itself.
            • Genesis Aspect Manifestation: God has birthed aspects of his power in the form of the Archangels, who embody the seven aspects that are present at "genesis". He also manifest it in a form of primordial and ancient transcendent light.
            • Avatar Creation: God was also able to create Shards of himself, being capable of creating many of avatars/shards of Himself that personally came from Him and acted exactly like Him (with the exception of Yaldabaoth). A famous example of this is Jesus Christ, the greatest of God that embodies His will, mercy, love, compassion, and His over all positive traits, who lived from 0 CE to 31 CE. So much that He treated Him as His "begotten Son" which He dearly and adorably loves.
            • Megaverse Creation & Manipulation: As the original Creator, He create the very infinite collection of realities, universes and multiverses known as the megaverse and everything that occupies them, including it's residents, environment and locations. He can create the residents with roles, powers, and skills to inhabit their own multiverse. Being the one that birth the original and first universe, God can also manipulate all/every universe that has, never and will be with infinite/unlimited scale, manipulate everything in every parallel reality, timeline, break any boundaries, etc. in every universe in the Multiverse. He is easily both the center and architect of all existence continuum.
            • Planetary Utopia Creation
            • Universe Creation
            • Object Creation
            • Bottomless Pit Creation
            • Paradise Remaking
            • Big Creation Manipulation
            • Omnificence Genesis
          • Holy System Control: The Holy System Control, also known as the Holy Miracle System, is a unique system that was created by God to manage and create miracles by warping and altering causal flow of Creation itself. Its potential was immense and had the power to affect all realms but God limited it and restricted it to the Human Realm with the focal point being Earth. It is located on the Seventh Heaven and can be accessed from God's Throne. God is the absolute one in control of the system that He created, to govern miracles and also manages the "Sacred Gears & Holy Objects" that God created for humanity. It is what causes harm to demons and fallen angels, and other malevolent entities who come into contact with blessed objects, provides miracles, and determines who can be saved. God's control over the system is immensely greater compared to anyone else who would attempt to use it, as see when Archangel Michael attempted to use it and despite his power and being somewhat adept in its use, the number of miracles decreased significantly. In the end of times, He will past on this to His Son Jesus Christ.
            • Meta Miracles Manipulation: As the Creator of the Holy System of Miracles, God has the power to cause miracles of all kinds to happen, even things that are impossible to fix or happen. He is capable of "resetting a bad situation" such as curing a disease that is thought to be terminal as well as causing success without fail so long as the chances of it happening aren't zero. He can create, shape and manipulate the ultimate miracles. No matter how hopeless the situation, His power will overcome and solve it, zero percent chance of success means nothing to this ability and any obstacles facing it will be crushed. It seems that it has a negative effects on devils/demons, fallen angels, and other malevolent creatures, that it gives them inconsiderable amount of uneasiness, pain, and headache.
            • Blessing Inducement & Manipulation: God can bless anything including people, places, objects (even cursed items, weapons, and objects) etc. and produce positive effects. This can include bringing good luck to people, or something as little as augmenting emotions as long as it is the happy emotions. What His power does is entirely up to the user as long as it isn't malevolent in nature, like giving people bad luck or causing deaths. His most traditional effects are granting long life, gift of foresight, divine protection, fertility, health, success and wealth or suppressing negative emotions and memories. Most of His blessings deal with negating/removing misfortune or other negative effects. He can create/generate, remove and manipulate blessings, that involves blessing people, become stronger with blessings, manipulate blessings to different effects. He can even manifest blessings as energy or powers itself. He past on this ability to His Son Jesus. His blessings can also forgives even the most vilest and abhorrent sin to have ever committed by an individual. This is demonstrated by Jesus Christ during His time on Earth.
            • Remote Teleportation (Apportation): It is part of God's Holy System to teleport matter/energy and even person from one location to another without transporting oneself along or requiring physical contact. This is to further avoiding the facts of finding out how the holy system runs, that governs the Heavens and the only ones that are able to enter or have a glimpse on the system without teleporting them in a remote/another location are the Archangels, Seraphim, and the Cherubim. According to Azazel, the teleportation of the system is considered vastly strong and a high class teleportation, to the point that it is impossible to counter or dispel.
        • Conjuration - Among others, God possesses the power to create anything and everything from nothing. He created Angels and Humans, as well as the Earth, Heaven, and the entire Universe.
          • Creation - He can create any and every form of life from nothing. Heaven, Angels, Earth, Souls, and the Humans are all His creations. In addition to life, He created the elements. He created man and woman, human and angel. He made them both in his likeness, similar but different; one mortal, the other immortal, one legged, the other winged, one mundane, the other celestial, one weak, the other strong. He chose the angels as His attendants to bring His word to humanity and enforce his law, and He chose the humans as His favored creation and children to be adored, protected, and pampered above all else. He also birthed the beasts of the Earth.
          • Entity/World Creation - God created almost everything in existence.
          • Soul Creation
          • Real World Creation
          • Holy Ground
          • Illusion Casting: He could also cast illusions, notably to induce "revelations."
          • Vocal Creation
        • Purification/Healing - God, as the most powerful being in existence, can heal and purify anything, possessing the ability to heal any type of ailment.
          • Healing - God possessed the ability to heal any type of injury. His healing powers were so strong that he could even heal the most serious of damages, caused by any primordial being.
        • Resurrection - God can and is capable of reviving any being in existence, bringing anyone or anything back to life. Due to his lack of interaction or intervention however, he does not do this often.
        • Shapeshifting - God can take on any form He wishes.
        • Supreme Reality Warping - God's power is so great that reality shapes itself according to His will.
        • Absolute Condition
          • Supreme Strength - God can physically overwhelm any being in existence.
          • Super Stamina - God possessed eternal stamina and didn't require sustenance, sleep, or oxygen to maintain himself.
          • Super Speed : God can move faster than anything else.
          • Infinite Potential
        • Teleportation - God can appear anywhere in the universe.
          • Apporting - God is able to teleport anyone anywhere He wants in all of creation.
        • Absorption
        • Astral Projection
        • Biokinesis
        • Conversion
        • Electromagnetic Interference
        • Flight - In his smoke form, he could fly in the air
        • Localization
        • Mind Control - God could force humans to do actions against their will.
        • Power Granting
        • Power Negation - God was able to render Lucifer powerless as a "safeguard" against him harming anybody when they assembled in the Men of Letters bunker. He was also able to turn off a necklace that burns hot in his presence.
        • Weather Manipulation: He was allegedly able to conjure a flood and to generate a rainbow.
        • Sealing and imprisonment - God was highly skilled in the art of sealing to the point that his seals were considered incomprehensibly powerful, as not even the passage could destroy them, having the ability to block powerful entities in the local dimensions, preventing them from leaving.
          • Spell Casting - God was able to develop the extremely powerful Primordial Entity Trapping Spell that he successfully cast on the Darkness to confine her within the Mark of Cain.
          • Seal Manipulation
        • Supernatural Concealment
          • Invisibility - He could only be seen when he wanted to be seen.
        • Smiting
          • Existence Erasure - God was able to erase beings from existence. After regaining his full powers and destroying the Multiverse, he started making people vanish one at a time before erasing every living thing on Earth in one go
        • Supernatural Perception - God could see and sense things that are naturally invisible to humans.
        • Telekinesis
        • Possession
        • Molecular Combustion
        • Chronokinesis - God was able to travel to an alternate timeline without any effort.
        • Alpha Reality
        • Meta Fate Manipulation
        • Separation
        • Omnipotence Embodiment
        • Totality Embodiment
        • Indeterminacy
        • Perfection
        • Absolute Wish
        • Origin Manipulation
        • Eternal Existence
        • Communication Shift
        • Plot Control
        • Remaking
        • Story Manipulation
        • Cycle Manipulation
        • Obstacle Manipulation
        • Unity
        • Biological Manipulation
        • Meta Space-Time Manipulation
        • Matter Manipulation
        • Absolute Prime Source
      • Omni-Embodiment: God being an omnipotent being possess such powerful force, rather than a power, it is the Totality, since there are no names that define. He has the embodiment of everything imaginable, unimaginable, possible, impossible, existent, non-existent, known, unknown, thinkable, unthinkable, created, uncreated, discovered, undiscovered, fictional, nonfictional, perceived, unperceived, etc.
        • Singularity & Existence Embodiment: Being an entity that exist since time, space, and life began He (along with His siblings) are among the personification of existence, the state of being/living since before the beginning of all. His powers cannot be replicated/cloned by anyone other than Himself, it is impossible to have His powers mimicked, or be mimicked by shapeshifters or illusionists, hand writing, skills/movements, etc. He possess a physical, psychic, and empathic trait that marks them as special, so even if someone tried to disguise or impersonate themselves as Him, people who know them would notice the ruse. There is no other version of Him in different realities that are the same, other than His avatars & shards.
        • Existential Manifestation; via Jesus Christ and Holy Spirit
        • Necessity Embodiment
      • Nova Manipulation: As the supreme creator of everything, God can cause stars to go supernova, a stellar explosion that is more energetic than a nova. This explosion can wipe out an entire solar system and everything within; planets, life, etc. As an Omnipotent entity God is able to cause an infinite number stars that are not massive enough to go supernova. God can even create, shape and manipulate novas (including supernovas, kilonovas and hypernovas), a transient astronomical event that causes the sudden appearance of a bright, apparently "new" star, that slowly fades over several weeks or many months. Nova involve an interaction between two stars that cause the flareup that is perceived as a new entity that is much brighter than the stars involved.
      • True Omniscience: The God is all-knowing, meaning he knows everything there is that is currently existing or has yet to be written. He can for see all events in creation, the Multiverses, Universes, and dimensions, to the point that He alone knows the fate of everything, including the Megaverse (alternate timelines and the Multiverse). He can know every thought of every person that exist in creation such as their names, birth, personal secrets, or anything. As He can tell and detailed greatly Lucifer, Satan, and/or other malevolent being's secrets and malevolent schemes. Touted as an entity to possesses supreme mind, intelligence, wisdom, and wits that has existed Ab Aeterno, God has a great understanding of how the entirety of Creation works. He knows of the existence of the Primordial Entities, being one Himself (or possibly much older) as well as beings that existed before the Gods. He is even aware of the origins of the Gods but keeps it a secret. His knowledge about events that happen around the world is startling, being able to describe them in great detail despite him not even being there. He is the absolute author and grand designer of all Creation across the Universe and the Multiverse. He has the power to know absolutely everything within their wider reality or verse of origin. His mind is capable knowing potentially anything and everything and has the capacity to filter what He choose to know, selectively picking topics of interest according to the situation. God can objectively be omniscient at His whim, which sometimes shock or startled His peers. He usually knows all, regardless of time and/or probable factors, actually fully knowing the entirety of everything (even things that are hidden from His eyes). God's mind is unblocked or unconstrained to the entirety of totality, there's absolutely nothing which He do not understand or insightfully comprehend, knowing every answer to every inquiry on timeless scale, meaning it is regardless of time; His recollection of infinite knowledge offers an understanding to the intricacies or "workings" of totality. By knowing everything about something in general, He can get an insight for every detail/weakness/counter/interesting fact, possible or not, for that certain something, utilizing said facts to be unable to be defeated by said subject or situation.
        • Almighty Mind: God possesses mental and psychic abilities on an omnipotent scale, allowing Him to surpass all rules without anything but the mind. He can manipulate anything in His mind, communicate with any being in any location and state, instantly know everything and its capabilities, have a omnipresent mind across all of existence, etc. God's mental attributes are at the absolute peak, infinitely superior to that of all other beings in their universe, even more superior to those with the highest level of supernatural mind and intelligence. He possesses limitless mental capabilities, enabling Him to accomplish feats that can’t be comprehended or replicated by nearly every being in the totality. Essentially, the He can memorize everything/anything He have come across and recall it with infallible accuracy, learn and master anything and apply it instantly with terrifying proficiency, have an infinite brain capacity capable of comprehending everything/anything that He have laid His eyes on and be highly resistant or immune to powers that affect and mess with His mind. He can identify and state any abilities that require an incredible mind, and He can perfectly utilize it or taught it to almost instantly to anyone. Usually inducing it towards His faithful servants to give them divine wisdom.
        • Almighty Intelligence: God's intellectual faculties transcend virtually all other sentient beings in the universe. He faculties include His all-powerful mental capacity and concentration, mental calculation and computation, cognition and competence, wit and ingenuity, memory capacity, mental perception, mental focus, thought processing, learning capacity, deductive reasoning, visualization, analyzation, composure, instinct, awareness, knowledge, creativity, intuition, mentality, etc.
        • Almighty Wisdom: God's intellectual wisdom faculties (memory, calculation, learning, creativity, etc.) transcend virtually all other sentient beings in their universe, and even more superior than His siblings. Being the original Creator and the One that author's the Holy Bible, He can always make the wisest decision regardless of any situation and can also avoid absolutely any mistakes. He has essentially limitless wisdom, and having innate knowledge/experience of everything. He has the greatest, most supreme understanding and realization of concepts, common sense, people, things, events or situations, resulting in the ability to apply perceptions, wise/merciful judgements, and actions while keeping these understandings. Due to this He can maintain a whole degree of His wisdom, while maintaining balance and boundaries to that said universal principles, and reasons, so that knowledge prevail to determine one's actions.
        • Almighty Wits: He possess a limitless thinking capacity, enabling Him to adapt to any changing situations, always remaining calm and collected no matter the environment, even if the things on the surroundings goes wrong, that deems by mortals to be impossible to solve and deal with. He can come up with an infinite amount of plans and ideas almost instantly, shrugging away the obstacles through sheer cunningly wise, as well as limitless critical thinking skills. His wits are supreme that He can outwit's even the most cunning and vilest beings in the Universe, such as Lucifer or Satan.
        • Absolute Senses: God possess an all-powerful senses omnipotently to an infinite scale, allowing them to see, smell, hear and otherwise limitlessly sense everything in existence, including conceptual forces and even immaterial beings/entities, like the mortal realm, various afterlife realms, and other planes of existence and dimensions. His vision and senses can perceive and extended, even in the darkest places in all of Multiverse (including the Megaverse), and even through the Outerverse. Due to this, no things or beings that are safe or hindered in His eyes. His senses is on a different level even to the point that He stated that He can hear, even the most muted/silent prayers from the Human realm.
        • Memory Manipulation: God can easily pass through the mind of any entity by force and leave possible excruciating pain when he does this. No mental barriers can stop him from seeking an entity's memories. Whenever angels and demons arrive in his realm, God maintains all of the knowledge of these individuals and any experience or memory they have, and this is how he has a better understanding of what is happening outside him realm. God can also easily bring back the erased memories of others that have been erased by the True Archangels with ease. God can also use this power to reveal himself to other's by showing them his memories of who he is and his past such as when he created the True Archangels, the Arcuthas, the Multiverse, and the creation of humanity. He can control memories of oneself and others, allowing Him to modify, fabricate, suppress, influence, repair, restore, erase, detect, and view them. He can even change memories to confuse, wipe away certain memories to cause amnesia, discern and provoke nostalgia, and enter the victim into a psychic vision, replaying their memory. Though he is rarely seen doing this.
        • Supreme Observation: He can observe/view/watch everything, where, when, and how at the exact same time and regardless of where or when it is or might be. He can view realities outside of the whole of existence, into dimensions shielding against every form of observation, see the lives and connections that tie together anything/everything and the thoughts and dreams of every creature/entity/demon/god or eldritch horror that exists or doesn't exist. He can view out into the boundless emptiness and nonexistence where isolated and locked entities dwell. All that is, isn't, might, might not, could, could not, can, can't and won't exist is visible and laid bare before God, and nothing can be hidden from their eyes. Unlike perception, which is the power to perceive anything/everything, this power enables God to observe/view/watch everything.
        • Omni-Perception: He can perceive anything/everything, including the past, present and future, reality, causality, boundaries, energy, even destiny and ultimately everything else. He always do this to know and observe the balance in the whole Creation.
          • Chrono Vision: His mind can see any point in time, from an extended period of time into the future and/or past, up to events all throughout time, whether that be along their own timelines or along the timelines of others.
          • Divination: God can employ divination, a method of reading and determine the future, the present and the past and/or provide help to a problem at hand by using His omniscience, standardized process or ritual. He can perform divination by reading certain patterns, or just visualizing certain people, things, events, places, etc.
            • Seer: God is a an omnipotent seer entity, who can see things hidden from others and also has the ability to predict the future or speak for divine purpose. Due to his status as an omnipotent and supreme being of the Multiverse, He usually acts as a guide, mostly for the greater good of His creations. he greater good of His creations. He also have special knowledge of the divine or supernatural realms and some receive special wisdom, power or understanding from deities or spirits. He is an entity who bodies to what one would call the "absolute truth" of the world. During Jesus Christ's mission on Earth, God bestowed Him this gift to His Son, to spread the "truth".
        • Celestial Perspective - God is not bound by the five bodily senses and is cosmically aware of all beings both on earth and in the heavens.
        • Future Sight - As the Lord, God is able to see into the future.
        • Heightened Senses - God possesses the same celestially aware senses as his angels.
        • Omnilingualism - As a Primordial Being, God can understand and utilize any form of communication.
        • Supernatural Perception - God can locate and perceive anyone in existence regardless of their method of hiding.
        • Universal Awareness - God can hear and see all.
        • Prophecy;
        • Plan; A common trope of God is that he has a plan in place that encompasses everything that happens in the world, both good and bad. If something happens, it was all in accordance to God's plan. This notion is often references when unfortunate circumstances prevail, mostly for comfort.
        • Universal Awareness
          • Telepathy
          • Foresight
        • Knowledge Manipulation
        • Selective Omniscience
        • Inner Sight
      • Extrasensory Perception (ESP): Due to having an omnipotent psychic mind, God can acquire information by means independent of any of His known senses or previous experience. This applies to any and all kinds of information, knowledge, wisdom, experience, etc. Information can be either personal (memories, thoughts, etc.) or impersonal (academic knowledge, data, etc.). He can either used it passively (as an instinctual reaction) or actively (by wanting to know specific information).
        • Flawless Clairvoyance: God's mind possess a flawless direct visual information about everything there is in the world or people around Him; objects, people, locations, and events, through means other than God's physical sight, with no mistakes and 100% accuracy and certainty. He has extreme direct visual information about an object, person, location, or physical event through means other than He's physical sight and allows Him to act when He is unable to use His eyes and may be able to 'see' spiritual/psychic beings. In addition, God could psychically perceive sights and visual sensations from other dimensions. He could also receive optical/visual sensations (i.e. itchy eyes, crying/watery eyes, rolling eyes, sharper vision, rapid blinking, blurry vision, blindness), with the presence of psychic energy.
        • Flawless Precognition: God can see the future with a startling degree of accuracy. He describes it as being able to look inside a cat box and seeing every possibility that will play out and occur, however, he can also fully determine with absolute certainty which future will happen, seeing it all with possibilities. Despite the fact that he can use it to his advantage, he prefers to let things play out and will only actively take steps towards a desired future if the prophecy affects the world in a negative way. He did this with the Prophecy uttered by John of Patmos, albeit the Prophecy was extremely vague, even for him to decipher. Due to having an omniscient mind, God can also foresee the exact futures, observe what will happen, and possess knowledge and insight of the events to come, with no mistakes and 100% certainty. Even if the future is changed by someone, it will mean nothing, as even the change in the future was already predicted by God Himself. Despite that, however, even if He sees what's the exact future, He let's things goes by, as He states that all things happen for a reason, many acknowledge it to be "God's mysterious ways".
        • Retrocognition: God is capable of seeing back in time. He can discern the past and past events using various means, usually entering a trance while seeing and hearing a noted past event, whether it be concerning Himself, themselves/other people or of an unfamiliar lineage in a past occurrence. God can even recall any event that happened in the past, even obscure, intricate events or things that are impossible to remember or been forgotten for many countless millennia. Occasionally spontaneous. However, he cannot see past what he claims as the Beginning of Time, stating that anything before the creation is unknowable.
        • Omni-Telepathy: He has the ability to read, sense, communicate with, and control an infinite number of minds across all universes, planes and dimensions. can sense minds on a universal scale or even beyond. He can manipulate everything that makes up their individuality. It extends to the point that by just looking to an individual (both natural and supernatural alike), he can perceive, read, and determine their inner minds, emotions, will, and hidden thoughts. Usually by influencing their inner thoughts and emotions to do the right things, but according to God, it was still up to the person if he/she will listen to follow or defy His guiding words. It is one of His powers that He frequently use to guide humanity properly on their daily lives, without hindering their free will.
      • Hyper-Cosmic Awareness: He is aware of anything that affects them on a universal & multiversal scale including threats, anything that would affect them or the universe in any way, or even somebody talking about them, God is aware of anything and everything that affects the Megaverse on an megaversal scale, so much that He can see beyond time and space, peering into distant worlds beyond their own, as well as the dangers of which they present to their own world.
        • Cosmic Knowledge: Having the awareness in all the realms and Multiverses that exists, however, He also possesses immeasurable knowledge of the Megaverse. He is aware of most things such as powerful spells, advanced science, where to find someone, etc. His knowledge may exceed others with the same power (more superior and all-knowing than His siblings). He knows everything and anything that is occurring and are about to occur in the future, He can even predict or deduce how the systems of the cosmos run.
      • Almighty Reality Warping: He has infinite power over reality itself, His ability to manipulate reality is so great and on the universal or multiversal scales. He can even deny the existence of other beings and entities (except the Pre-existential Entities) if He wants to, yet He never seen do such things other than towards the outer gods, and manipulates the surrounding that He sees fit through the people around Him. It extends even through the other material planes or dimensional worlds of existence. His very presence are more than enough to change, distort, manipulate, and warp the surroundings, landscape, the space-time continuum, and even dimensions outside the material plane/universe.
        • Alpha Reality Warping: Being the supreme being He possesses absolute limitless power over the rare form of manipulating reality; the Alpha Reality. The one encompassing all realities and their origins, giving Him the omnipotent abilities to create, manipulate and erase all forms of multiversal realities, capable of making Him the most powerful being in all of existence and beyond to hold dominion of it. Meaning He decides what happens to them all, such as whether or not they cease to exist, become something entirely new, where things all end or begin up, were conflicts are all resolved, and etc. If the Omega Reality that Khaos possess is the end for all realities and where they end from, then Alpha Reality is where they all came from before their purpose has been serve.
        • Conjuration - He created the Archangels, the Leviathans, the Hellhounds, the Angels, Humans, Souls, as well Heaven, Purgatory, Earth, and countless other Galaxies and the universe itself. Prior to the creation of the current universe, God created other worlds
      • Autopotence: He is an all-powerful and has complete control of Himself, including His existence. He can make His existence ineffable and defiant of all laws and logic, also rewriting Himself on absolutely all levels, including structure, origin, conclusion, and many more. With absolute control over Himself and to all, God can do essentially anything as long as it stems from their own existence, like granting oneself all powers/abilities, becoming one with everything, attaining true perfection etc.
        • Self Origin Manipulation: Being one of the Pre-existential Entities, God can manipulate His own origin, events, form, abilities and powers, etc. that He choose as His own, regardless of the outside influences. Basically, this power allows Him to have indisputable sovereignty over every aspect of existence so much, so that His entire being answers to no one else, save for their mandate alone or to His Creation.
      • Absolute Existence Perfection: He has complete control of His own existence. He (along with His siblings) is beyond all there is, even reason, physics, and logic. No rule or law can apply to Him other than His own. He can also rewrite anything on any level, at any time, anywhere, without any limit of any kind. He can even change/rewrite His own fundamental nature/structure. This allows God to have access to any ability in existence, said abilities being as absolute as their maker/wielder. He is also in the condition, state and quality of being free from all possible forms of flaws or defects. With perfection, there is nothing God can't do and achieve. His perfection may prove so great that, He'd still be considered perfect.
        • Existential Perfection: His power is an existentially perfect being. While He exists He is complete, absolute and infinite in all senses and aspects with no limitation that could possibly apply to them. Essentially making Him totally unsurpassed by everything in all of living existence.
        • Spiritual Perfection & Eternal Soul: God as the supreme omnipotent being is spiritually perfect, becoming pure and gaining a variety of gifts that are deemed divine. He can use powers of both a spiritual and divine type to His maximum capacity. Other spiritual presences can't comprehend the God's perfection. Being one with the Holy Spirit, He possess a soul that cannot be destroyed or take any form of damage, in addition to always existing, rendering Him completely immune to all manner of spiritual alteration or destruction. Even if bypassed their souls will instantly restore them self, forever transcending any kind of spiritual/metaphysical death. Standard souls are categorized with a natural form of immortality, though in this instance God is total absolutely immortal in every possible way even the physical sense. He can, however, regain His physical forms as His desire by using their own innate spiritual and life forces to indefinitely produce and freely manipulate their physical forms, even on the subatomic level regardless of their location, allowing perfect recreation/restructuring of their old bodies in whatever way they see fit, granting them modifiable and semi-immortal physical forms as a result (as in the cases of His avatars/shards). He isn't just limited to being metaphysically immortal, though, as He can also generate an absolute amount of spiritual force/energy, which can then be used in any way He see fit. Examples of which include granting life to others and even the environment itself. God's soul is also inherently unbound due to their eternal nature and can freely travel to any realm, material, or immaterial alike. Because of this, He is capable of selectively interacting with them as if they were physically present, even though they are specter-like entities by nature.
        • Perservation
      • True Omnipresence: God exists everywhere, anywhere, and nowhere (at the same time). God can also be anyone and no one would have any idea of his presence. Due to this, His presence can reach even in the darkest places in the Multiverse, and so His very presence can comfort a broken heart and soul, due to His divine embodiment. On the other hand He can instill extreme uneasiness and fear through the hearts of even the most blood thirstiest and malevolent demons and monsters once His presence are been sense by them, and not even Lucifer can barely stand in His divine presence, after his fall. His presence can also be a converter or spiritual wire that can can connect spiritually, to heal and purifies anyone He wills to be.
        • Megaverse Embodiment: God and his omnipresence is already considered the embodiment of the Megaverse (including the Universe, Alternate timelines, and even the Multiverse) itself, and therefore he has absolute control over everything inside of it - time, space, reality, causality, probability and everything else - without limits. His presence, created the current/original universe and sustains its very existence with His presence. With His multiple manifestations of Himself, His presence has undisputed power over all multiversal conceptual attributes, ranging from words, to odd-infinitum, and even of His appearances. A title that will be passed on to His Son Jesus Christ, and granddaughter Elaine Belloc.
        • Meta Teleportation: His power and presence allows him to teleport anything to anywhere: any place and time He desire, including physical locations such as: in a locked room, in Space, in Heaven, or in Hell, as well as metaphysical places such as: inside a dream, inside a heart, inside thoughts, and even inside people or yourself. This power also allows Him to teleport concepts into the physical world, like memories and thoughts, and bring anything into reality. Due to His immeasurable omnipresence, He can teleport anywhere He desires, but usually using one of His avatars or using them as an extension.
          • Dimensional Travel: God can instantly transport himself and others across dimensions, such as between Heaven and Hell, as well as outside of creation.
        • Lumopresence
      • True Omnibenevolence: Being the God that is known for His indomitable benevolence, mercy, and righteousness, He has the capacity to be infinitely good, and good in every capacity that good is recognized by any sentient being in existence knows Him (including His siblings). He has ability to perceive and adapt perfectly to fit any concept of goodness. And the ability to be the perfect good, transcending any one concept of goodness. He has the capacity for perfect and infinite goodness. In some manifestations, He can perceive what others see as being good, and can emphatically adjust his behavior and perspectives to understand and fit that perception of goodness. However, other manifestations imply that God has mental, emotional and spiritual access to a concept of absolute, universal goodness, which may not be understood by most mortal minds.
      • Omnilock: God exist outside the concepts of time, space, life, and death, and that He is not bound by the laws of the Universe itself. He is unkillable and any form of killing Him (physically, mentally, and spiritually) are all impossible. God resides outside of everything: space, time, non-space, non-time, duality, probability, improbability, possibility, impossibility, nonexistence, (absolute) nothingness, existence, etc. He cannot be affected by anything, even temporal paradox or reality warping; and are immune to virtually everything.
      • Almighty Will: His will and emotion is considered supreme and unlimited in its scope. Anything that exists can be manipulated, including, but not limited to: matter, energy, causality, emotion, etc. He can grab hold of creation and twist, bend, sculpt, and re-sculpt it into whatever form that He desire or can imagine. Usually, His power to create something out of nothing is considered omnipotent, as he created the entire megaverse. He can twist reality in such a way that He mimic creation to an extent; i.e. projection of realistic illusions and bringing any form of fantasy to life through sheer force of will. He can manipulate reality and bend rules to grant Himself the power to create, as well as a variety of other existing powers by rewriting their own nature simply by willing it to be so, one example is His divine words that fully contain the Holy Bible. Being the supreme being He created the first universe and then the multiverse, this is the power that said being would use to put into order and manipulate the raw stuff of creation. His power is a sculptor of omni-existence on a supreme level. So, to say that His power is limited only by His absolute willpower, as by nature God's power has an unlimited amount of willpower that He can use to whatever effect that they desire, but due to His non-interference nature He rarely exhibits this unless absolutely necessary. To summarize, His power is capable of manipulating creation as a whole without becoming one with it. Even demons, fallen angels, and other malevolent supernatural beings are not immune to this, to the point that they will have to obey and listen (willingly or not) to His will and authority, unless they defy it.
        • Supreme Holy Voice: Being the original Creator and author of the True Holy Bible, God possess supreme and divine authority and voice. As He is the one that invoke the universal law that were followed by all beings in the Multiverse. He can create and command anything and everything, even bending reality by only speaking, due to this He can even convince a foreign person (that came from a pagan pantheon) or even various pantheons that exist to work together in harmony and peace, to maintain the balance in all the worlds and even the afterlife realms, and pledge their allegiance to Him. His voice over creation and sovereignty can range from cosmic creations (universes) to conceptual creations (time). With this power He can manifest His voice anywhere, even in the darkest places around the Multiverse. He can also use His holy "Words" to cleanse, purify, heal, or shatter, destabilize, disintegrate, stabilize living and/or non-living things by speaking/singing. His voice are holy and supremely powerful to the point many reveres Him for it and can even calm even the most wildest and vilest beings in the universe. He usually do this to send His messengers (usually His angels & prophets) to proclaimed His divine "Word" and "Will".
        • Vocifery/Reality Voice: God can make everything He says to be true/reality automatically. He can do absolutely anything they desire just by saying it and it will miraculously happen even if it affects reality itself. If He also wills to, He can just simply warp reality through He's own voice, and may be limited to what's regarded as "real."
        • Supernatural Law Manipulation: God, being the original creator, can create, manipulate and change the supernatural regulation that governs the fundamental rules and laws of the supernatural; all the boundaries, conditions, principles that shapes and binds the supernatural world, foundations and causality that supernatural forces and everything related to them such as supernatural powers, magic and even mythic beings that operate in them both physically and metaphysically. It is through Him (along with the whole Trinity) where all the mystic forces came from, governing the order of the supernatural world, powers and magic and reassuring the way their suppose to work accordingly to what God created them for, refining the possibility and impossibility of the supernatural planes that can effect powers and magical being by empowering and weakening them depending on the circumstances to maintain a cosmic/natural balance of things. According to Michael, the consequences for breaking such laws can be dire as much as they are catastrophic to a personal level to a grand scale that can prove too great to endure effectively causing extreme harm to themselves and/or those around them. Only supernatural beings like God (or His siblings) of higher power and authority such as divinity, meta magic, etc., are the only beings that can bypass or even dominate the laws and rules without consequences.
        • Parental Selection
      • Absolute Emotions: God has no limit on how far He can intensify His emotions, as He usually exhibits merciful benevolence, compassion, righteousness, and all forms of positive natures. Yet when angered He exhibit an overwhelming frightening nature. For example, whenever He shows His anger to His disobedient children, He happen to have no limit yet merciful and understanding someone whenever He lectures someone, and can also install fear in just about absolutely anyone. When angered enough His divine hatred can also be overwhelmingly infinite to point that individuals will be traumatized and quaking with dread, and also left with plenty of hurt as a result, but only if necessary. He exhibits this during the beginning of times. As for happiness, God's optimism, excitement, etc, happen to go off the charts since again, there are no limits to how much His joy can be escalated, and the user does happen to possess a boundless level of on how much faith He have to His children and faithful servants.
      • Omniarch: He rules over anything and everything in existence; as such, He has absolute control over all objects, planes of existences, and life forms, as well as their wills and mindsets (whether they are aware of being controlled or not). I.e., He can master all infinite universes that are in the Megaverse and absolutely everything within each of these universes. He is also has absolute dominion over any situation or environment by simply issuing a command. Even if the subjects that are being ruled are unable to understand Him, they will still respond in accordance to what He had dictated.
        • Personal Domain & Authority Lordship (Heaven & Afterlife Lordship): God's possesses complete lordship over the domains of Heaven/Afterlife & the Universe/Multiverse: an area in which a being has absolute power, through magical, supernatural, scientifically, or other means, which may be a physical area or an entire dimension. He has has authority and duty in heaven a place where deities and angels come together as well as the souls of heroes, and good people in perfect peace and joy. He is able to command the deities, angels and have beyond godlike powers in Heaven. He has also authority and duty in the Afterlife, a place where the souls of the all recently departed go. Exact conditions of the dead vary depending of the pantheon, but every soul arrives there, and while some may face punishment, others may be rewarded. He is able to command the dead, and have powers related to life, and death, souls in general as well as power to bind and restrict (dead are expected to stay there after all). Some may have duties and powers related to Death and bringing the souls where they belong. Usually He tasks this job to Death, Life, and His Archangels and lower angels.
          • Afterlife Manipulation & Creation: Being the original creator of the afterlife, God can control the afterlife. This includes places such as Heaven, Hell (in some if not the whole part), purgatory, limbo, the Underworld and other places that could be considered the afterlife. He can even create afterlives; realms where the dead go after death, including realms of ultimate pleasure, ultimate damnation, something in between, etc., He can even manipulate afterlife places and everything in them to His liking, be it an eternal peaceful, blissful, and resting place (in Heaven's case) or an eternal damnation, suffering, and torment place (in Hell's/the Underworld's case).
            • Angel Lordship & Manipulation: God possesses absolute power over all existing angels, and can freely bring new ones into existence. The power encompasses all kind of angels from weakest to greatest and so many more. He can control, summon, redefine, banish, erase and recreate them at will, God's power over them transcending any potential resistance or limitation, He rules over them along with His Son Jesus Christ equally.
            • Heaven Manipulation & Creation: Being the creator of the Abrahamic Heavens, He can control the heavens and everything within, including the divine entities and angelic beings that may reside there. He can even create Heavenly Environments that is considered by Brahma as an eternal blissful and peaceful environment even for the gods of every pantheon.
            • Afterlife Judgement: As the Supreme Being of the Multiverse, God is the supreme judge of all. Being able to judge and decide which afterlife they will go to when they die, making it so that they go to either, heaven, hell, purgatory or not even go to an afterlife at all. Unlike afterlife marking (usually used by the demon kings), God does not need to imprint a mark of some kind onto others. He can just simply decide which afterlife a person will go to. He pass on this ability to His Son Jesus Christ, and give Him the complete authority to judge where the deceased person's afterlife destination.
        • Realm Leader
        • Absolute Storage
        • Population Control
        • Universal Lordship
        • Law Manipulation
        • Selective Interaction
      • Soul Lordship: He holds total dominion over all souls, spirits and ghosts, and is able to command the dead, and have powers related to life, and death (similar to that of His siblings Life & Death), and of course souls in general as well as power to bind and restrict spirits. As the dead are expected to stay in their respected afterlife's if they have passed over, He can also command the souls lost wandering on earth, as well as the ones still in their living bodies yet to die. He has great power and the true creator of all souls (aside Life).
      • Megaverse & Metaverse Lordship: He has control of everything existing within their original universe (even parallel ones) and even within the multiverse. He may even have control over multiple multiverses as well.
      • Absolutakinesis: He has the power to create, shape and manipulate absolutes, the complete, unchanging, eternal/infinite and highest aspects, qualities or properties of things. Allowing Him to manipulate the supreme and unfettered aspects of anything/everything, including space, time, form/shape, dimensions/realities, laws/rules, attributes/traits, systems, life/death, creation/destruction etc.
      • Absolute Law Manipulation: He has the power to make, change, destroy or redefine any/all kind of rule/law, including physical, scientific, magical, divine, metaphysical or conceptual, granting Him control over all limits.
      • Sancti-Elementumkinesis: Being the God of divine covenant He can create, shape and manipulate holy elements that are highly effective against supernatural, such as demons and/or fallen angels. He would be able to do all kinds of holy things with His unique type of element, which in question, can range from trapping and/or immobilizing to outright banishing or killing supernatural threats. Furthermore, His divine elements may have other properties and abilities, such as healing, resurrection, summoning angels and/or spirits of the deceased from Heaven to the material plane.
        • Pure Sancti-Photokinesis: Being the first and supreme God of divine light, He can create, shape and manipulate holy/divine light that's highly effective and fatal against supernatural malevolent beings, such as demons/devil and/or fallen angels, and it is extremely deadly, lethal, and poisonous to them. It can also use to blind people on a mere whim just by looking at it directly, even demons (fallen angels included) and other malevolent supernatural creatures are not immune to this. His light is said to be the true source of all light that gives life to all sentient beings across the cosmos. His light is beneficial in nature; that which strengthens, enhances and causes anything/everything it comes across to flourish, representing the sustaining and preserving side of light, which in turn ignores most of the common limitations and weaknesses of its normal elemental variety. In essence, this is about solely controlling the pure positive powers of light.
          • Light Generation & Projection: Being the originator of all light in the universe, God can project/generate energy-based attacks that is too intensified, and is capable of having devastating effects. This attack is also highly deadly, toxic/poisonous, and dangerous through the demons and other malevolent entities.
          • Holographic Projection: God user can create, shape and manipulate holograms of Himself using the light itself, and can fully projects three-dimensional images of the holograph target. As such He based it on sight only and have no effect to other senses and have no physical presence. He usually use this to project Himself or His avatars and appeared in a glimmering glow pf light. Usually using it to sent or tell His messages and will both personally or not.
        • Omni-Purification: He can can purify anything & everything, including natural forces, abstract/conceptual properties, people with dark hearts and souls, and users of corruption inducement are deem meaningless to Him, even things that by the definition, immune to or shouldn't even be able to be purified (such as infernal entities or demonic powers) would be affected, and etc. God past this ability to His Son Jesus Christ, to not only purify the sinners but also to heal and give peace to their life, soul and spirit.
        • Omni-Healing: God, as the most powerful being in existence, can heal anything, possessing the ability to heal any type of ailment. He can heal/restore anything/everything to optimal condition/health, including people, objects/locations, environments, abilities/powers, defensive powers, souls, worlds, natural forces/concepts etc. Undoing any/all damage they may have suffered and potentially even making themselves stronger in process. God past this ability to His Son Jesus Christ, to not only heal the sinners but also to purify and give peace to their life, soul, and spirit.
        • Resurrection & Life Inducement: God is capable of reviving any being in existence, bringing anyone or anything back to life on a beyond godly level. Due to his lack of interaction or intervention however, he does not do this often. He past down this power to His Son Jesus Christ to bring miracles and hope for Humanity. When Jesus resurrects people, He is capable of not reviving the dead, but can also purifies their soul and forgives their sins. As seen with Lazarus. It is unknown as to how powerful God's resurrection is far superior than compared to other deities as he has only performed the feat once, preferring to respect the Cosmic Cycle of Life and Death, but according to both of them His ability is beyond their understanding and power.
      • Primordial Elemental Force Manipulation: Being a Pre-existential Entity and the one that birth's the dawn of the beginning, time and creation, God has the power to create, shape and manipulate elements of an ancient primordial nature and even primordial forces in an unimaginable level. He can cause natural energy effects such as various natural disasters to manifest. He can also control, alter, create, and manipulate anything and everything created by the primordial force, the unique source or origin of every universal concept; in other words, the primordial force that had generated everything, giving Him the true position of a Supreme Being.
        • Primordial Elemental Force Generation: God can also create/generate primordial elements, elements so ancient that they were from the beginning of the universe. Being more powerful than ordinary element generation, He can use this power for a variety of powerful effects in a beyond god-like level. Usually He generates primordial elemental energy made up of primordial pure and transcendent light.
        • Primordial Light Manipulation: Being the original Creator and considered to be the original source of all life in existence across the Multiverse, God can control the primal light that brought about the dawn of creation, representing the warmer, brighter aspect of primal creation, alongside the Darkness, both being two halves of the same coin, yet stand opposite and in perfect balance. Due to its primordial nature it goes beyond concepts of good, evil or even neutrality. His light is so overly powerful to the point that His light is capable of creating the whole universe, and is capable of vanquishing evil entities like Azathoth and the outer gods.
        • Primordial Weather Storm Manipulation: God can control, create, shape and manipulate storms and weather of a primeval nature. As opposed to regular storm, being an omnipotent entity this power is a living embodiment of the storms Himself that He created. As such, He can cause natural storm-related phenomena to manifest, such as disasters, rain, lightning, wind and snow/ice storms. As evidenced in his capabilities to be able to cause the first great flood of the entirety of the Earth.
        • Infusion
      • Elementumpotence: Being an all-powerful being He has the power to manipulate omni-elements of the universe. He can shape and manipulate all the elements, be them artificial, natural, supernatural, psychical, physical, esoteric, fantasy, cosmic, universal, divine/transcendent, demonic, conceptual, metaphysical, primordial, etc.
      • Transcendent Divine Energy Manipulation: He has the power to manipulate a form of energy that is in a greater league of power, vastly surpassing that of all others, and is on par with His transcendent pre-existential siblings. His transcendent and divine energy can be in many different forms be it raw, positive, negative, divine, planetary, cosmic, quantum, psychic, life-force, elemental, natural, magical, aether, nether, foreign, all-composing, etc. His divine energy, is on a different level which is especially harmful to unholy entities such as demons or even malevolent cosmic entities. The energy can be used to trap angels, demons and other divine beings without killing them outright. His divine energy may have abilities such as summoning spirits of the deceased back to the world of living. High level users could gain the ability of Resurrection via Summoning the deceased and/or angels from Heaven.
      • Divine Power Link
      • Posikinesis: Being the God of light, order, and righteousness, He can manipulate all forms of positivity, physical and spiritual positivity, including Creation, Healing, Angelic forces, etc. He is the living embodiment of all positive forces of the universe.
        • Omni-Empathy: Being known by all as the God of endless mercy and benevolence, He can fully interpret the emotions, moods, and temperaments of others without reading apparent symptoms, allowing them to understand introverts or discover one emotion is actually hiding another. He can detects attacks or malicious intent from someone in a personal and emotional way since they know exactly what emotion is flowing through themselves and can use this knowledge to play against them. He can also learn to read emotional imprints left into environment or objects.
      • Omnilingualism: God can speak to every known language to exist in existence and is unlimited. He can naturally understand, read, communicate with any language or person.
      • True Divine Form: The true form of God is so vast to any being that isn't a Primordial, God and the light that confuses reality and unreality, and also becomes reality and unreality. Any beings like Fallen Angels, corrupted souls, Demons and other dark entities in the presence of this light will be destroyed. or anyone trying to contemplate its form would be erased from Existence. Its existence remains only an endless white light. And the sense of presence of a terrifying and majestic supreme being.
        • Existence Erasure: The true form of God is so pure and incomprehensible, and declared capable of eliminating from existence, if seen.
        • Fatal Countenance: The true form of God is extremely fatal and can kill even demons and evil entities being a little close to his presence.
      • Absolute Immortality: Due to him being the supreme being, God is beyond age, illness and all forms of physical harm or spiritual. He is beyond the concepts of time, life and death. It is completely free from existence and any effort to kill it by conventional means is useless. He is absolutely immortal, and cannot die, age, get sick, be permanently wounded, is absolutely self-sustained and, as His mind and soul are as immortal as His biological body, He is immune to mental/spiritual damage. Any injuries that would inflict upon Him will immediately heal, even if the God's body is disintegrated or blown up or completely erased and even if the user is completely destroyed to the sub-atomic level, they will still return to life. He is un erasable and are unaffected by time manipulation of any level. God is completely transcend the concept of death itself. God's existence and soul are completely free and independent of even the concept of reality, making Him unbound to the subjects of life, death, and manipulations. His existence is eternal to the point that He would not only continue to exist even after the end of time but would also remain completely unaffected and unchanged by it, essentially outliving time itself. In some cases His existence can overpower almighty laws (though this would only apply to the highest of Supreme Beings like Him or His siblings), thus rendering His immortality truly perfect and absolute.
        • Absolute Invincibility: God is completely invincible in every aspect: Physically, Mentally, Emotionally, Spiritually, Existentially, etc. making Him supreme in every way. He is inherently possessing no weaknesses, or by simply transcending all vulnerabilities and limitations. Simply put, the user cannot be beaten.
        • Amortality: Like Azathoth and Khaos, God is amortality and so He is beyond the concepts that transcend life and death. He is completely free from existence, and any effort to kill him by conventional means is useless. He (along with His siblings) exists as an unborn, rendering them unable to die due to not being alive, to begin with. God may have been alive in the very beginning of time or even before creation. He essentially lives in a state of unbirth, neither living nor dead.
        • Immutability: God is immune to all kinds of damage or illness, and so He is un killable, and not even His Pre-existential siblings can either kill or compete Him. He is immune to all divine magic and weapons. It is also immune to poisons and diseases.
        • Absolute Regeneration: God can heal from anything completely, even if there is absolutely nothing remaining of His body, and critical injuries will be healed in a matter of seconds. Complete destruction results in complete restoration. Even wounds that are irreversible in nature will heal just like normal wounds. All forms of cellular injuries and disease infection will be healed at metaphysical levels, rewritten all damage to a mere dream, even if said injuries appeared before the regeneration powers are obtained, such as heredity illnesses and unformed limbs. Because the cells and telomere lengths will not shorten in any way, He do not age and all forms of sustenance intake required is utterly removed. He is immune to drugs, disease, and all harmful foreign substances, and will be forever in their optimal health and physical prime. His regeneration will extend to one's mental, emotional, spiritual and temporal existence as much as their physical state, rendering all damage to the mind, soul and timeline to be restored to its perfect working state, and blocking one's mind from any attacks or invasive attempts. Even if the user is completely annihilated from all aspects of their existence, i.e, if something completely erases the user from the past, present and future on a conceptual/metaphysical, the user would still come back without fail. He can even reappear at a different spatial position upon regeneration, evading any potential jamming into the body. Also, the power cannot be removed, nullified, erased or affected otherwise, rendering it perfect and absolute.
        • Anti-Storage
        • Soul Anchoring
      • Absolute Invulnerability: God is immune to any/all kinds of damage, be it physical (internal and external), mental, spiritual, metaphysical/pataphysical/supernatural, and even conceptual.
      • Powerful Magician & Sorcerer: With knowledge of magic stretching back since time immemorial, God has displayed magical skill above that of most beings in Creation, commanding it with such skill that he was capable of locking away both Khaos and Azathoth by Himself, even managed to sealed and imprisoned some of his siblings; Ayin, The Darkness, and Tathamet (albeit with the assistance of His Arcuthas). He even managed to create a sealing magics and spells that can imprisoned a very powerful beings and monsters. Being the creator of the Holy System of Heaven, He is the original sole creator and developer of holy magics, white arts, and all forms that holds the forces of light and positivity. He is well known to be one of the few entities capable of using even highly classified forbidden, lost, and legendary primordial magics and spells, that predates everything.
        • Almighty Magic: God being the supreme entity of the Multiverse, possesses the truest and absolute form of magic which surpasses all the rules and has no need for any justification as to how or why feats are accomplished. God's powers over it allows Him to achieve anything and everything without any limit, no matter how impossible or contradictory with an metapotent’s explanation in doing this simply because it can. Some may even speculate that He becomes the holy embodiment of all magic (more powerful than magic gods), or the embodiment of the universe in which He reside. Regardless, the only real explanation you will ever get as to how His almighty skills are able to accomplish such amazing feats of grandeur is "because it's magic".
          • Meta Magic: He has the magical powers which transcends the rules under which He operate in the system of heaven, making Him either the exceptions to those rules or beyond them all together and granting Him total dominion over the cause and effects to the rules of magic by His source. He is able to make/modify the rules, allowing Him to alter or ignore the conditions and limitations of the magical systems, which can lead Him down the path beyond magic itself.
          • Omni-Magic: He has also the power to have unlimited access to all forms of magic and other mystical and supernatural forces. He can bend, break, and even create natural laws, distort the fabric of reality on a cosmic to multiversal scale, perform unbelievable miracles, and create things without limit. He is also immune to all opposing magic and can even break through all outside mystic defenses. It is one of His divine skills that He use when He hinders the Egyptian Deities for intervening in Moses' mission of freeing His people from the Egyptians. A feat that none, and not even among the higher ranking gods or even magic gods are capable of creating such feats.
        • Angelic & Enochian Magic: God, being the creator of the Angels is highly capable and possess mastery of using angelic magics to achieve several feats such as creating, destroying and reconstructing anything, sometimes even to warp reality. His usage of angelic arts is one of the most ancient and powerful form of Angelic Magic, personally created by Him develop by both Michael and Lucifer (before his infamous Fall). He could also use his Ohr as a substitute for his life-force, using them to cast magic spells and rituals that could easily destroy entire countries within mere seconds.
          • Enochian Wards: He could create a higher level of Enochian wards capable of surrounding an area as big as a large country from other powerful entities. It is highly powerful type of spell, capable of shielding the Him or the surroundings in them and can negate attacks from demonic energy-based attacks and angelic/divine energy-based attacks with ease.
        • Transcendent & Divine Magic: Being an omnipotent Deity, God can manipulate magic that is in a greater league of power, vastly surpassing that of all others and is able to be superior than transcendent beings and entities. His transcendent magic can be in many different forms be its pure energy, positive, negative, divine, planetary, cosmic, quantum, psychic, life-force, elemental, natural, aether, nether, foreign, all-composing, almighty, etc. Also He is capable of using higher level divine magic; a sanctified and sacred form of magic that uses holy forces to mystically use divine powers to achieve impossible feats such as creating, destroying and reconstructing anything in existence, sometimes even to warp reality. His type of divine magic greatly surpassed any transcendent/divine beings or those related to them such as gods, demigods, angels, etc.
        • Curse Inducement: God is capable of casting a variety of curses that can have devastating effects. Samael's blood which is cursed to affect and kill all dragons including the Dragon Gods was developed by God to punish Samael for his crimes. He is also the one that put the first curse in the history of humanity, known as the "Mark of Cain" that He put upon Cain for murdering his brother, Abel. During Moses' mission to free the Israelites from Egypt, He cast the ten great plagues upon Egypt in His name, as punishment for the Pharaoh's stubbornness to free God's people. His curse is also demonstrate as a curse that could last for eternity, and it will never removed unless He wills it.
        • Sealing: God is highly skilled in the art of sealing, being able to seal Azathoth (and his Outer Gods), Ayin (though he needed the help of the Arcuthas), the Darkness (with the assistance of the Archangels), and the beast away without the need of or assistance from other Pantheons. He knows thousands of forbidden seals that can be used against powerful beings, that only He or few beings are aware of. He is also able to seal objects like living beings, spells, tools and/or weapons, etc. (in an ancient manner) within another object or person and release them when needed.
          • Meta Banishment: He possess great mastery over banishing any and every kind of object or entity, with any traits and abilities of any level from anywhere/everywhere. He can banish them to other dimensions, other realities, other timelines, other points, in time, etc., possibly even from the Omniverse altogether. Anything from abilities, traits, people, animals, properties, objects and even gods and everything else in-between can be affected by this power. This is first seen when he teamed up to Khaos to successfully seal and imprisoned again Azathoth and his Outer Gods into the Outerverse, second is to banish Ayin and Darkness at the same time (with the assistance of the Archangels), while putting many thousands of ancient and forbidden seals upon their banishment and imprisonment.
          • Hell Imprisonment
          • Dimensional Imprisonment
          • Imprison Realm Creation
        • Mystical Conversion
        • Trinity Force
      • Binding: He is able to use supernatural powers/traits that bind, imprison, paralyze and/or otherwise stop targets moving normally and possibly completely freezing them where they were. He can perform it by using various means including divine energy-based or physical restrains or mental effects. Due to imprisoning many powerful entities, since ancient times, God is adept and possess higher level mastery over binding powerful entities, even primordial deities and cosmic entities.
      • Transmutation: God can convert beings into other forms or even other states of matter entirely. He converted Samael into a half-dragon, half-fallen-angel monstrosity.
      • Omnifarious: God use this ability to live among the lives of His creations (specifically humans), mostly to teach or to test the faith of His creations. He also use this to mask, hinder, or hides himself from people, so that no one (other than His angels) could (if not barely) recognize Him. God can transform from white-haired bearded old man, to a middle-aged man, or a handsome teenage boy (or little boy), and vice versa. God can also transform into a female as well and has already chosen multiple female forms to use. God is also seen to have at least more than double the amount of female form's then she has male form's.
      • Trinitarian Deity Physiology / Triple Deity Physiology
      • Gestalt Monotheistic Deity Physiology (excluding Omninescience / All-Ignorant)
      • Conceptual Anchoring
      • Pantheon Transcendence
      • Pantheistic Deity Physiology / Panentheistic Deity Physiology
    • Good Elohim Physiology




  • Protolith
  • Throne of God


  • The world of Constantine, is based on catholic theology, so God, is a triune being, the Holy Trinity, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Jesus Christ was called as the Son of God, his blood in the Spear of the Destiny it's said by Balthazar, the God's blood. Which confirms the triune nature of God.

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